

Foodticket provides various solutions for the catering industry, for example an online order website and order kiosk (I've worked on both solutions).

For this project, a new online order website had to be developed using the Vue 3 framework with the Composition API. The data (text, images, products, e.g.) had to be retrieved from Foodticket's new API.

My role

Front-end development


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Performance and User Experience is key. The shop had to perform well and given the broad target group, the website had to be easy to navigate through for everyone.

Because we were largely dependent on the speed of the API, we had to think carefully about loading transitions. Therefore we created skeleton loading interfaces.

Used techniques and methods

Vue 3 (Composition API), Axios, PostCSS, Vanilla JavaScript, NodeJS, Storybook, Pinia, Leaflet, etc.

Since Foodticket was developing the API synchronously with us developing the new online order website, that gave us the opportunity to make desired adjustments to the API for better performance.